Raise your vibration and

expand your consciousness

Learn tools and techniques to feed your soul, your mind and your self.

Explore Programs and Courses

Raising the Vibes

Academy Of Consciousness

Our online spiritual learning center empowers people and practitioners to develop their existing intuition and spiritual abilities—their spidey senses. Learn the tools to move forward in your life, relationships and your business, while living your life’s purpose. Take responsibility and control of your health, wealth, happiness and joy!

We have a variety of learn at your own pace and live courses . Our courses and programs are for:

  • Raising your vibration and expanding your conscious awareness
  • People who are new to the realm of spirituality and have perhaps discovered that they are an empath and need support to navigate this world.
  • Those that seek a conscious community
  • People that are wanting to change their lives and step into purpose
  • Those that are wanting to refine their spiritual abilities 

Create your own practice, advance in your current practice, or use new skills for personal growth and development. Gain the confidence to step into your power, to access your soul's blueprint and to be who you are meant to be.

Let's Learn Together

Learn from experienced teachers who offer alternative and new age online certification courses. Our curated collection of courses and programs can be taken anytime, from any device and at your own pace. After enrolling in a course or program, you will have lifetime access to course content and reference materials.

Explore Programs & Courses

Intuition Development

Conscious Expansion

LearnĀ how to gain clarity and work with your Guides, and how to show others what lies in their future.


Akashic Records

Conscious Access

Guide yourself and others through transformation and purpose by accessing the soul's blueprint.


The Octopus Method

Conscious Business

Align to who you are and what your passion is. This Mastermind helps you toĀ create products and services that bring prosperity.



Conscious Health

Remove internal blocks for yourself and others with the world's most well-known methods of energy healing.


Metaphysical Support

Conscious Community

Join our exclusive online community to consistently level up your spiritual growth and your life.



Conscious Connection

Connect with your Self, focus on the present moment and gain a new perspective with guided meditations.
